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Interface LoadOptions

Important: this options will be applied only in the first call to [loadOpencv] or when [force] is given.


  • LoadOptions



Optional cwd

cwd: undefined | string

(Node.js only): current working dir. By default is '.'.

Optional force

force: undefined | false | true

It will force the library loading - reloading it if it's already loaded

Optional formatProxies

formatProxies: FormatProxy[]

Format proxies to be installed and loaded.

Optional onloadCallback

onloadCallback: undefined | function

Callback function to be called when library is ready to be used. (equivalent to promise resolve).

Optional opencvJsExceptions

opencvJsExceptions: undefined | false | true

Loads opencv_exception.js instead of default opencv.js file which has better exception handling for development at some cost on speed.

Optional opencvJsLocation

opencvJsLocation: undefined | string

The location of opencv.js file to load. In the case of browser it can be a relative or absolute URL.

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