Static methods

staticbitmapEquals (a:Bitmap, b:Bitmap, ?region:Rectangle):Bool

staticblend (b1:Bitmap, b2:Bitmap, b3:Bitmap, ?blend:ColorBlend):Bitmap

staticcompare (a:Bitmap, b:Bitmap, ?regionA:Rectangle, ?regionB:Rectangle):Float

Compares given region of given Bitmaps. Returns a number between -1 and 1, the biger its absolute value the bigger the difference. If negative it means the sum of a's bytes is bigger than b's, possitive otherwise.

TODO : fix this is not working fine

staticfromBase64 (base64:String, ?bitmap:Bitmap):Null<Bitmap>

Loads bitmap from given base64 string.

staticfromDataUrl (dataurl:String, ?bitmap:Bitmap):Null<Bitmap>

Loads bitmap from given data url string.

statictoBase64 (bitmap:Bitmap):String

Returns base64 representation of this image in an ecoded format like PNG

@:value({ mime : "image/png" })statictoDataUrl (bitmap:Bitmap, mime:String = "image/png", ?name:String):String

Creates a DataUrl like data:image/png;name=f.png;base64, using given base64 content, mimeType and fileName.