

Default color for this bitmap background. It's used in some operations like copy/clone as default background color in some cases.


Color related utilities like channel filters, blend, etc.


image bitmap Raw bytes in RGBA int32 format.


Drawing utilities.


Utilities to load/save bitmaps from/to other formats or resources, such as base64 dataUrls, raw bytes formats, HTML canvas, HTML images, DOM Blobs, TypedArrays, buffers, urls, etc.


If true operationsn won't throw exceptions in case given coordinates for get/set are outside bitmap.


Transform utilities like convolve, affine, etc.


clone (?fillBg:Bool):Bitmap

Returns a new bitmap that is a copy of this one with exactly the same pixels.

compare (b:Bitmap, ?regionA:Rectangle, ?thisRegion:Rectangle):Float

copyFrom (b:Bitmap, bCoords:Point, regionThis:Rectangle):Void

Writes in this bitmap given region of given bitmap, or if no region is given, the bitmap entirely.

equals (b:Bitmap, ?region:Rectangle):Bool

Returns true if this bitmap and given one are exactly equal (pixel by pixel).

fill (?bg:Color):Void

get (x:Int, y:Int, ?noError:Bool):Color

Gets pixel color at x,y.

By default if coords are out of bounds it will throw error. This can be prevented passing noError==true. In that case, if the error happens it will return true, otherwise false.

load (input:Input, ?format:PixelFormat):Void

Loads an image form given input.

save (output:Output):Void

Saves current bitmap to given output.

set (x:Int, y:Int, c:Color, ?noError:Bool):Bool

By default if coords are out of bounds it will throw error. This can be prevented passing noError==true. In that case, if the error happens it will return true, otherwise false.

Inherited Variables

Defined by OffsetRectangleArea



Defined by RectangleArea



Inherited Methods